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The Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development (MGLSD), led by Commissioner for Culture and Family Affairs, Ms. Naumo Juliana Akoryo, and Senior Culture and Family Affairs Officer, Ms. Marion Mbabazi, held aconsultative meeting with URSB on the drafted UgandaNational Culture Policy, 2022.
URSB team, represented by Manager of Traditional Knowledge, Mr. Kafunjo Twinomujuni, Senior Traditional Knowledge Officer, Mr. Michael Wabugo, and other URSB staff, provided feedback on the draft policy.
The Ministry requested for the consultative meeting with URSB before the policy is resubmitted to Cabinet. The meeting took place on January 24, 2025, in the Board Room, Level 5 at the Uganda Business Facilitation Centre in Kololo.
During the review, URSB suggested updates such as including youth in the policy process, realigning the policy with the National Development Plan (NDP) and National IP Policy, correcting discrepancies in the law, formalising cultural institutions, and ensuring that URSB’s roles in the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights are clearly defined in the policy. URSB promised to submit any additional feedback to MGLSD officers after compiling the information.
About the Culture Policy
Uganda’s Vision 2025 13 Uganda National Culture Policy Uganda’s Vision 2025 guides interventions that are aimed at achieving stable and harmonious co-existence within a socially, culturally and economically dynamic society. Key elements of this goal include recognition and enhancement of unity in diversity, national pride and dignity and respect for/and conservation of cultural heritage. All these elements are ingrained in the vision, mission and objectivesof this Policy.
Government policies and plans take cognisance of culture. Key among these are the Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) and the Social Development Sector Strategic Investment Plan (SDIP).